Monday 30 December 2013

Vintage Wedding Rings: A Unique Alternative - Shopping - Jewelry

There are many options available for couples who are searching for the perfect antique diamond wedding bands for their big day. These beautiful rings are gaining fashion -- particularly within the elite circles of high society. Vintage rings are often preferred because of their rarity and uniqueness. What could be more exciting than placing a one-of-a-kind heirloom on your lover's finger on your wedding day?

Couples who prefer antique wedding rings are also drawn to their fine craftsmanship. These rings are a far cry from the massed-produced choices of today. The carat weight of the metals was often heavier and the gems in heirloom quality rings tend to be more perfect than those you see today. Of course, if you want a unique ring for your wedding day, you can always pay a jeweler to design one for you. However, you can often find antique rings at bargain prices.

If a ring is less than 50 years old, it's classified as an "estate ring," whereas true antiques are at least 50 years old. Antique diamond wedding bands are often passed through generations as family heirlooms, but there are other ways to acquire them. For example, they are often sold at estate sales and some professional jewelers have vintage rings in their inventories.

Don't forget about the internet. You can find a large selection of antique diamond wedding rings online. Is it safe to buy something this precious online? Certainly -- as long as you do your homework. Ask the seller for things like diamond certification, appraisals, and any other documents they may have to prove a rings authenticity.

The three most fashionable styles of vintage wedding bands are Victorian, Edwardian, and Art Deco. If you're purchasing an authentic antique of high quality, you'll surely be making an investment that will appreciate over time. Replicas of vintage wedding rings are also available, but it's not hard to find a real antique if that's what your heart is set on.

Before you purchase your antique wedding bands make sure you read these free tips on selecting vinage wedding bands.

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